Continuum calendrier des événements
Veuillez consulter notre calendrier ci-dessous. Des événements sont ajoutés régulièrement, visitez la régulièrement ou inscrivez-vous à notre liste de diffusion pour rester informé.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site

We are woven by Mystery from dynamic polar forces we refer to as Masculine and Feminine. In truth, these forces exist beyond notions of gender or role in a realm of
cosmos and chaos, the very essence of who and what we are, the very essence of the Universe itself. These forces weave and wind their way through us, through the
fabric of our lives, our thoughts, our emotions, the voltage of our being. Learning what these forces are, how to live in and through them, how to manage and master
them is our life’s work.
Every culture has many stories, myths, traditions and beliefs regarding how we might corral and contain our diverse energies of dark and light and bring them into
harmony. I resource the indigenous wisdom of ancient pre-Hawaiian Mu culture as well as our more recent western cultural myths as a way to enter the Garden of
Earth, also known as Eden. Here, we live as organic beings in a phenomenal reality, wrestling and molding these massive forces into a spinning convergence of
equilibrium. It is from this state of oscillation that we become artists of our own humanity, sculpted by ancient alchemical pathways of integration and wholeness.
In this five-class online series, we will discuss the nature of these polar forces and how we may bring them into a greater octave of resonance, mutual respect and
collaboration. Continuum, with its intrinsic focus on the experiential and intuitive ways of knowing, will be our main practice. I will also be weaving in other tools and
practices as part of this ceremony. My intention is to offer and weave these elements into practical applications for your ongoing evolution. In my view, we are in a
quantum leap of consciousness, a window of immense potential for liberation, transformation and integration. It is time to become the Garden, to manifest the
Eden within our hearts as embodied beings of Earth and Sky. It is through this reorientation that we honor this extraordinary realm and come to innerstand our true
purpose within it.
Dates: Sundays - October 27; November 24, 2024, January 26; March 30 & April 27, 2025
Times: 14h - 17h CET
Tuition: $250
Registration: email Lucile Pinteaux at

This year's training will be a hybrid, both online and in-person. For more details please visit

"The challenges that we face in our lives require us to show up as our best selves, guided by the heart-based wisdom of divine truth. In this truth, we will find the answers that have eluded us, and we will find our way back to one another and back to a place of harmony with the world around us."
~ Sherri Mitchell in Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change
Dive monthly on 6 SUNDAYS in 2025 with Greater Boston Area Continuum!
1:00-4:00 pm EST
January 12 • February 2 • March 9 • April 6 • May 18 • June 8
@ The Arlington Center, 369 Massachusetts Avenue Arlington, MA
Join Somanaut, Megan Bathory-Peeler, as she guides curious explorers into the deeper waters of Continuum and wisdom of Mystery School teachings where these monthly gatherings become rituals of belonging that honor the cycles of nature and our interdependence to all life on this Earth.
These are monthly in-person gatherings for Continuum movers in the Greater Boston Area with established practices and a desire to commit to co-creating a group container that promotes more intimate sharing and deeper explorations. Through a consistent practice of Continuum, we can retrieve a perception of wholeness and reclaim a sense of biological optimism that is our birthright.
The theme for 2025 is accessing different ways to feel support and live with uncertainty in times of accelerated change. We all need to lean more into care for one another, co-create spaces of support, form islands of sanity, and bolster our own internal strength that comes from vulnerability.
Please contact Megan directly if you are interested in attending these monthly gatherings. In-person participation is preferred, however, these dives will be offered in a hybrid format via Zoom to support commitment and continuity in attendance.
Call 413-772-0078 or Email:
Suggested Sliding Scale: $50-$100/dive
For each dive, there is a suggested tuition. If personal circumstances might prevent you from attending, please contact Megan to arrange a rate that is affordable for you.
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

I invite you to join me, to tend to your Soul in 2025 with the teachings of Continuum. Attend all or any single event. Each stands alone and can be taken separately.
Our “Riding Our Inner River Flow” 2025 Adventure consists of
Five AT-HOME Continuum Immersions on Saturdays 10 AM – 12:15 PM PST
- January 18, 25 February 1, 8, 22 ~ YIELDING
- April 12, 19, 26 May 3 ~ SYNERGIZING
- June 7, 14, 21, 28 ~ EXPRESSING
- August 9, 16, 23, 30 ~ ADAPTING
- October 4, 11, 18, 25 ~ DISSOLVING
- November 22 Celebrating Gratitude, Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM PST
- December 20 Celebrating Solstice, Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM PST
There will be In-Between Gatherings open to year-long participants during the months between the immersions in March, May, July & September to keep the thread of our connection alive.
All classes will be recorded and available to participants for the whole year to revisit.
During 2024 we had a core group of practitioners participating in the year-long series. They provided an exquisite weave of support and depth that allowed students only able to join an individual immersion a powerful portal into their fluid nature!
You do not need experience in Continuum!
The only requirements are:
- Being human!
- Being able to breathe!
- Being open and curious to explore the body!
- Being willing to explore unknown ways of moving and thinking!
- Being willing to expand your attention to invite ALL body sensations to guide your exploration!
- Being willing to slow down…slow down…in the midst of…allllllll that goes on!
- Being willing to tend your Soul and return to your inner waters of health and wholeness!
Each Immersion program includes:
- Live Continuum Classes via Zoom
Saturdays 10 am – 12:15 pm PST
Each week we will explore a different theme and the immersion will build week to week. You will receive the sequence to explore prior to the class by email.
- Inspiration Wednesdays
Midweek you will receive an email with suggestions on how to refine the practice we embarked on Saturday and with related inspirational reading.
All sessions will be recorded and replay links emailed to participants.
Please click here to read more and register
Truly hope you are inspired to be part of the core fabric of Riding Our Inner River Flow 2025!
From my soul to yours!

Find inner resources and presence through Continuum Flow classes.
This practice allows a deep awakening of fluid resiliency.
Find your inner 'octopus' and taste what it is like to move between deep fluid stillness, to fluid strength. Where the spiral interplay within allows new connections to emerge. Where old patterns that have bound your tissue and limited your ability to respond begin to unstick and new movements and ways of meeting life's challenges emerge.
In each class we will be exploring different sequences of Continuum breaths, movement plays and awareness.
The classes are held once a month on a Wednesday from 7-8.30pm GMT, 2-3.30pm ET, 11am-12.30pm PST.
22 January, 26 February, 12 March, 2 April , 7 May, 11 June, 9 July, 6 August, 3 September, 15 October, 12 November, 10 December 2025.
Venue: Willow Studio or online.
Cost: £35 or £125 for a series of four classes.
For more information on this class, please visit:
To book, email Jane.

Healing with Bodily Joy: Winter Continuum Workshops with Megan Bathory-Peeler and Krista Feichtinger
Saturdays • January 25, February 22 & March 22 • 1:00-5:00 pm • @ Community Yoga & Wellness Studio • 16 Federal Street Greenfield, MA • $75/single workshop or $200/pre-pay for all 3 workshops in series
“Feeling more alive carries distinct qualities that differentiate this healing from other forms. Bodily joy is the primary characteristic: it is an enlivening, an inner knowing of what it means to be a spiritual-soul-bodily being. It is an experience of levity that also makes us realize that we have been living too much within the force of gravity… When our experience of embodiment shifts to a new sense of the living body, our relationship to symptoms changes drastically. Symptoms become for us unrecognized possibilities rather than indications of something gone wrong.” ~ Robert Sardello
Winter is a time for rest and deep internal quieting. Winter can also be a tough time for many people. It is easy to feel isolated and disconnected. We can attend both needs: We can sustain ourselves by coming together for communal support and connection while sharing a deeply soothing, reflective, and nourishing practice like Continuum.
Come discover bodily joy. Come play with a lightness of being. Come let your living, moving body show you the path to healing what limits you and restore your creative potential this winter.
Continuum is a complete embodiment practice that increases awareness by cueing the mind and body to slow down with audible breath and subtle biological movements. Continuum enhances our ability to rest into what is, to be in the Here and Now, and to be happier in our own skins. By reconnecting to what is alive in each of us with more empathy and compassion for ourselves, we may find it easier to perceive the same in others & offer that gift out into the world around us.
Let these winter classes be a personal weekly retreat, or spiritual bath. Give yourself the gift of rest, reflection, acceptance, compassion, discovery, and inspiration at what can be a challenging time of year.
The longer format classes of Continuum are specifically designed to create a time and space for you to explore what it means to be in a human body-mind. Breath, vocalized sounds, meditative awareness, visual imagery, and simple, biological movements will help you recover and restore sensation and increase the innate fluid movement responses of your body that get lost in the speed of modern life and the cultural quicksand of fear, sorrow, and pain.
Everyone is welcome. Appropriate for all ages and abilities. Bring your curiosity and an open mind, and you’ll have everything you need!
Please wear comfortable layers of clothing you feel most cozy in, have a notebook to write in, and a full water bottle on hand.
To register, email:
Suggested tuition: $75/single workshop or $200/pre-pay for all 3 workshops in series
Please do not let your own personal finances or current circumstances prevent you from coming to class. Pay From the Heart ~ offer what is affordable for you.
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

2025 will invite us all into deeper intrinsic resourcing. We need to be with ourselves; listen, attune, empty out and cultivate our unique frequency of presence. Many of us feel the hunger of evolution bearing down, raw and demanding. We are peeling off the identities of past selves, no longer relevant in this space of suspension and transition. We are collectively in the space between an old paradigm and a new one birthing.
Continuum offers solace, inspiries curiosity, lands us in deeptime langauge of sound and movement. Here, we listen, we feel our way through uncertainty, we discover a greater womb of consciousness in which to gestate. Gel and sol, form and formless. We open to mystery, to magic, to imaginal scapes and multi-realms.
The intention of this series is simple. To support your personal exploration and cultivate consistency in your practice. Once a month, February through July, I will make a video laying out a dive. These dives will be inspired and influenced by the field, by astrological and cosmic influences, by what is arriving, current and relevant in that time. They will arrive in your inbox on the first of the month, a link to the video and written dive instructions. The invitation is to work with this dive through the month, share with me if you like via email or audio recording, which I will share with the other participants.
Dates: February - July 2025
Tuition: $145
I will not be offering virtual classes in the Spring or Summer of 2025. I am in the dreaming of a new structure for my teaching and completing another project. This offering is intended to offer support and connection through this portal of change.
Please click here to register.

Continuum: Trusting Your Inner Guidance with Megan Bathory-Peeler and Krista Feichtinger
February 25, March 4, 11 & 18, 2025 • 6:00-8:00 pm ET • @ Community Yoga & Wellness Studio • 16 Federal Street Greenfield, MA • $30 drop-ins or $100 pre-pay for 4 classes
Winter is a time for rest and deep internal quieting. Winter can also be a tough time for many people. It is easy to feel isolated and disconnected. We can attend both needs: We can sustain ourselves by coming together for communal support and connection while sharing a deeply soothing, reflective, and nourishing practice like Continuum.
How might your life be different if you listened to your inner guidance rather than fear? Come cultivate a relationship with your inner guidance and discover what's possible. Continuum is something that must be experienced to be understood. It might even change your life.
Continuum is a deeply meditative practice that increases awareness by cueing the mind and body to slow down with audible breath and subtle biological movements. Continuum enhances our ability to rest into what is, to be in the Here and Now, and to be happier in our own skins. By reconnecting to what is alive in each of us with more empathy and compassion for ourselves, we may find it easier to perceive the same in others & offer that gift out into the world around us.
Let these winter classes be a personal weekly retreat, or spiritual bath. Give yourself the gift of rest, reflection, acceptance, compassion, discovery, and inspiration at what can be a challenging time of year.
The longer format classes of Continuum are specifically designed to create a time and space for you to explore what it means to be in a human body-mind. Breath, vocalized sounds, meditative awareness, visual imagery, and simple, biological movements will help you recover and restore sensation and increase the innate fluid movement responses of your body that get lost in the speed of modern life and the cultural quicksand of fear, sorrow, and pain.
Everyone is welcome. Appropriate for all ages and abilities. Bring your curiosity and an open mind, and you’ll have everything you need!
Please wear comfortable layers of clothing you feel most cozy in, have a notebook to write in, and a full water bottle on hand.
To register, email:
Suggested tuition: $30/drop-in or $100/pre-pay 4 class series
Please do not let your own personal finances or current circumstances prevent you from coming to class. Pay From the Heart ~ offer what is affordable for you.
Payments can be made via:
1) Cash or Check brought to class
2) Venmo
If you have any questions or need more information, please call Megan directly at: 413.772.0078
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

(en français ci-dessous)
Attune to the intelligence of the breathing living organism we are, ceaselessly forming and transforming from moment to moment. Through the fluid conversation between movement, vocalized sound, silence and stillness, penetrate the waters of our internal sea and bathe in this dance of life.
This 10-week class series is open to people of all levels of Continuum experience, from beginners already introduced to the practice, to those with years of experience.
Mondays, March 3 – May 12, 6pm-8:15pm ET, on Zoom
Fee: 10 classes, $250(CAD)
no class April 7
To sign up and for more information:
*** *** ***
S’accorder à l’intelligence de la vie et du souffle de l’organisme que nous sommes, qui se forme et se transforme sans cesse d’un moment à l’autre. Grâce à la conversation fluide entre le mouvement, le son vocalisé, le silence et la quiétude, pénétrez les eaux de notre mer intérieure et baignez-vous dans cette danse de la vie.
Cette série de 10 cours est ouverte aux personnes de tous niveaux d’expérience du Continuum, des dé nouvellement initié.es à la pratique, à ceux et celles ayant des années d’expérience.
les lundis, du 3 mars au 12 mai, 18h-20h15 HNE, sur Zoom
Coût: 10 cours, 250$ (CAD)
pas de cours le 7 avril
Pour s’inscrire et plus d’informations :

(en français ci-dessous)
Attune to the intelligence of the breathing living organism we are, ceaselessly forming and transforming from moment to moment. Through the fluid conversation between movement, vocalized sound, silence and stillness, penetrate the waters of our internal sea and bathe in this dance of life.
This 10-week class series is open to people of all levels of Continuum experience, from beginners already introduced to the practice, to those with years of experience.
Thursdays, March 6 – May 15, 9:30am-11:45am ET, in person (limited to 10 participants)
Fee: 10 classes, $250
no class April 10
To sign up and for more information:
*** *** ***
S’accorder à l’intelligence de la vie et du souffle de l’organisme que nous sommes, qui se forme et se transforme sans cesse d’un moment à l’autre. Grâce à la conversation fluide entre le mouvement, le son vocalisé, le silence et la quiétude, pénétrez les eaux de notre mer intérieure et baignez-vous dans cette danse de la vie.
Cette série de 10 cours est ouverte aux personnes de tous niveaux d’expérience du Continuum, des dé nouvellement initié.es à la pratique, à ceux et celles ayant des années d’expérience.
les jeudis, du 6 mars au 15 mai, 9h30-11h45 HNE, en présentiel, (limité à 10 personnes)
Coût: 10 cours, 250$
pas de cours le 10 avril
Pour s’inscrire et plus d’informations :

Join Sarah from the comfort of your home for this 4 or 8 week live tele-dive series. Within CommUNITY, Sarah will be guiding you with moments of silence, sharing Continuum and Somatic based practices and with check-ins before the group dive.
Série de télé-plongées en direct :
Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 and 26
Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16, and 23
6:00pm – 8:00pm PST
New students welcomed
Drop in is available in the FIRST CLASS ONLY
A propos de :
En utilisant la respiration et le son, nous explorons nos corps fluides à travers des mouvements subtils, des mouvements ondulatoires et le langage des sensations. Dans l'espace sacré, ensemble, nous avons l'opportunité de permettre au temps de ralentir, de se débarrasser de ce qui doit l'être et de renaître, rafraîchi et renouvelé. Lorsque nous accédons à l'intelligence innée des forces profondes qui nous soutiennent, nous puisons dans les courants de vie pulsés qui ondulent dans notre système et nous entrons dans le mystère de ce que cela signifie d'incarner.
- Se connecter au sacré intérieur
- Éveiller la présence incarnée
- Ralentir et évacuer le stress
- Renouvelez votre plénitude
Sacred Investment: $133 for 4 week series OR $222 for 8 week series
Early registration for 4 week series: $111 paid by February 26
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

Deine innere Wahrheit über dein Frausein. Wir erforschen gemeinsam auf Körperebene unser Frausein und öffnen damit die Tür zu unserer ursprünglichen und individuellen weiblichen Kraft.
Wir klären Missverständnisse über den weiblichen Körper.
Continuum ermöglicht uns den Ausdruck der neu entdeckten inneren Räume. Genährt erforschen wir, was in unserem Herzen lebt und blühen möchte.
Wir folgen der Lebenslust und werden zur Göttin.
Klicken Sie bitte hier, um sich zu registrieren.

The human world is often synonymous with the modern, civilized world - a world of walls, schedules, and speed. Our evolutionary ancestors slid across the earth, swam in the sea, and rested their bellies on the earth. Our own bodies remember this wildness: Our bio-intelligence.
To read more and register: (Scroll down for the registration link)

Diving into your fluid body with new movements through vocalized soundscapes and breath sequences. Discovering the vitalizing, nourishing, and regenerative answer of nature’s organic intelligence.
“Movement is the Message and the Messenger.”
Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum
6 Sundays in 2025 - 10-17 h
Part 1 - First half of the year:
12 January
23 February
16 March
13 April
11 May
1 June
Every day is a new subject and a complete workshop in itself.
Per one-day workshop € 120.
All days together: € 600.
No experience needed. All bodies, shapes, colours, genders, ages and sizes are welcome!
Please click here to register.

(en français ci-dessous)
This monthly online gathering is for people who would like to be in a group practice but are not available for weekly classes. Each month we will explore a new sequence based on the theme: Continuum and the Dance of Life
March 16, April 13 and May 18
9:30am-12:30pm ET // 3:30pm-6:30pm (CET)
3 classes: $105, single class: $40
On Zoom
To sign up and for more information:
*** *** ***
Cette rencontre mensuelle en ligne est pour ceux et celles qui désirent faire partie d’un groupe mais ne sont pas disponibles pour les classes hebdomadaires. Nous explorerons chaque mois une nouvelle séquence basée sur le thème: Continuum et la danse de la vie.
16 mars, 13 avril, et 18 mai.
9h30-12h30 (l'heure à Montréal) / 15h30-18h30 (l'Europe centrale)
3 cours: 105$, un cours: 40$
sur Zoom
Pour s’inscrire et plus d’informations:

*English translation below*
כולנו אנשים.
לכולנו גוף, רגשות, ומחשבות.
לכולנו רגעים של כאב, ורגעים של שמחה.
כולנו נולדנו לעולם הזה,
וכולנו נמות.
כולנו נולדנו באותו אזור, אבל לכל אחד מאיתנו יש את קבוצות ההשתייכות שלו.
נוצרים, דרוזים, מוסלמים, יהודים, בהאים, צ'רקסים, אתאיסטים או כל אמונה אחרת.
ישראלים, פלשתינים, ירדנים, מצרים, לבנונים וסורים.
בשבעה באוקטובר פרצה המלחמה הארוכה ביותר שידע האזור מזה הרבה הזמן.
מלחמה שגבתה וגובה מחירים עצומים מאלפי אנשים בישראל, בעזה, בגדה, בלבנון ובסוריה.
הרוגים, חטופים, פצועים בגוף ובנפש, עקורים ופליטים.
משפחות שלמות שחוות כאבים וטראומות עמוקות שישפיעו דורות קדימה.
מעצם זה שאנחנו כאן, יש ביננו קשרים, חיבורים ותלויות שמשפיעים על כל אחד מאיתנו, גם בזמנים של שלום ועוד יותר בזמנים של מלחמה.
אחרי שהזדעזעתי עמוקות מהיקף האכזריות והרוע שהתרחשו בעוטף עזה, בשבוע הטבח של השבעה באוקטובר, והזדעזעתי עמוקות ממספר הקורבנות והיקף ההרס שהתרחשו ומתרחשים עדיין בעזה, החלטתי לכנס מרחב של אבל משותף.
רגשות קשים וכואבים מאוד עלו בתוכי במהלך השנה הזאת.
צער העולם שטף אותי בגלים גבוהים, שוב ושוב ושוב,.
בזמנים האלה, שחוויתי את הכאב של ה"אחר" באופן פנימי ואישי, יכולתי לראות ולחוש בבהירות את הדימיון בינינו, ואת העובדה שמעבר לכל שוני, לפני הכל, אנחנו אנשים, חלקים שווים ברשת ענקית של אנושות אחת.
זוהי הזמנה להיפגש עם הכאב שבתוכנו.
להיות ביחד בכאב, ובאבל, ולהתפלל לשְלום כל מי שזקוק לריפוי.
להיות עדים חיים לזה, שכולנו אנשים לפני הכל.
להתפלל ביחד, שנזכה לחיות ביחד בשלווה, בשלום, ובאהבה.
ביום שישי ה 21/3 אכנס מרחב ריפוי ותפילה לשלום, בכליל.
במשך 3 שעות בערך, נאסף פנימה, ונפגוש את מרחב השלום בתוכנו, שנמצא תמיד גם כשנסתר.
מרחב שהוא מיכל רצוף ויציב, שמכיל את המורכבויות, הכאבים, והאתגרים שאנחנו חווים.
במרחב הזה, נתפלל ביחד: בשקט, בצלילים ובתנועה,
לריפוי הטראומות האישיות והקולקטיביות,
ולשלום פנימי וחיצוני של כל אדם בעולם הזה, בזמן הזה.
שימו לב 💙
בשונה ממפגשים רגילים, הצלילה במפגש הזה תתמקד ברובה על ההדהוד בין האישי לקולקטיבי, ויצירת ריקמה משותפת של תפילה לריפוי ושלום של הנפגעים מכל עמי האזור.
המפגש יתקיים ביום שישי ה 21/3, בין השעות 1030-1330. .
המפגש הוא ללא עלות. כיוון שמספר המקומות מוגבל, נדרשת הרשמה מראש.
המפגש מיועד לבעלי ניסיון במרחב של CONTINUUM, שצללו בהנחייתי צלילה אחת, לפחות.
בבקשה קראו בעיון את ההזמנה כדי לוודא שמתאים לכם להצטרף לצלילה הזו.
מוזמנים לדבר איתי על כל שאלה. בתפילה עמוקה לריפוי ושלום
Invitation to a Space of Healing and Prayer for Peace Friday, 3/21, in Klil
We are all people. We all have bodies, emotions, and thoughts. We all have moments of pain, and moments of joy.
We were all born into this world, and we want all of them.
We were all born in the same region, but each of us has our own group affiliations.
Christians, Druze, Muslims, Jews, Baha'is, Circassians, atheists, or any other faith.
Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Lebanese, and Syrians.
On October 7th, the longest war the region has known for a long time broke out.
A war that has taken and continues to take enormous tolls on thousands of people in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria.
Dead, kidnapped, wounded in body and soul, displaced and refugees.
Entire families experiencing deep pain and trauma that will impact generations to come.
By virtue of our being here, there are connections, bonds, and dependencies between us that affect each of us, both in times of peace and even more so in times of war.
After being deeply shocked by the extent of cruelty and evil that took place in the Gaza envelope during the massacre week of October 7th, and being deeply shocked by the number of victims and the extent of destruction that occurred and are still occurring in Gaza, I decided to convene a space of shared mourning.
Very difficult and painful feelings arose within me during this year. The world's sorrow flooded me in high waves, again and again and again. In these times, when I experienced the pain of the "other" in an internal and personal way, I could see and feel clearly the similarity between us, and the fact that beyond any difference, above all, we are people, equal parts in a huge network of one humanity.
This is an invitation to meet the pain within us.
To be together in pain and mourning, and to pray for peace for all who need healing.
To be living witnesses to the fact that we are all people above all.
To pray together that we may merit to live together in tranquility, peace, and love.
**On Friday, 3/21, I will convene a space of healing and prayer for peace in Klil.**
**For about 3 hours, we will gather inward and encounter the space of peace within us, which is always present even when hidden.**
**A space that is a continuous and stable container, holding the complexities, pains, and challenges we experience.**
**In this space, we will pray together: in silence, in sounds, and in movement, for the healing of personal and collective traumas, and for the inner and outer peace of every person in this world, at this time.
Please note 💙
**Unlike regular meetings, the dive in this meeting will focus mostly on the resonance between the personal and the collective, and creating a shared fabric of prayer for healing and peace for those affected from all peoples of the region.**
The meeting will take place on Friday, 3/21, between 10:30-13:30 IST
The meeting is free of charge. Since the number of places is limited, registration in advance is required.
The meeting is intended for those with experience in the CONTINUUM space, who have dived under my guidance at least once. Please read the invitation carefully to make sure this dive is suitable for you.
Feel free to talk to me about any questions.
With a deep prayer for healing and peace 🕊️

The various fluids in our bodies – blood, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph, interstitial fluid, and cellular fluid – all have unique qualities. In this weekend workshop, we will dissolve and reform by incorporating/exploring the nuances and diverse natures of some of these fluids.
The gentle, flowing movement of Continuum, informed by breathing and sounding practices, gives space for renewal. Increase self-understanding and freedom of expression while decreasing tension and self-limiting restrictions
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

Continuum meets Breathwork with Rosemarie & Phillipp, a connection, where transformation, healing, development, love, deep senses, closeness and lightness are invited to arise.
Rosemarie & Phillip are looking forward to meet people in the depth, they love to support people to work on her wellbeing and self-care.
Please click here to read more and register.

Dreaming in the Imaginal ~ Continuum Depths Retreat
The whole body, the breath, the hum, the song stream, the ecstatic moan, the wailing cry of grief, sublime and primordial movement – these are portals to imaginal space. In incubatory space/time, listen for the seeds gestating in your heart that are ready for this time of evolutionary change.
We elaborate our dreaming capacities through mythic storytelling, Continuum sounding and shape-shifting movement explorations, and in co-creative ritual. We open somatic dream space and circles for listening, sharing, and dreaming.
This retreat includes an ‘allnighter’—a time of silence—for personal questing in a mutually supportive alchemical context. We adorn the room with shamanic textiles and create elemental altars that stimulate the imaginal, dreaming/psyche processes.
Our Explorations Invite Us To:
Expand the body/heart/mind in mythic imagination
Connect to the larger animate Nature surrounding us
Discover gifts as a storyteller – dream mover – dream weaver
Embody insights to unfold magic in the waking dream we call our life
“Our dream tales are essential to us. We use our bellies to receive the ancient mother stories, our hearts to listen to them, our bones to store them, our hands to interpret them and our feet to walk them back into the soil.”
~ Carolyn Hillyer
Through our dreaming, mutual sharing, and attunement with nature, we enter a deep relatedness with the original worldwide web of life. Come sing the song that lives deep in your soul and contribute vital energy to the healing and renewal of our shared world.
Event Format
Through inspirational principles and experiential instructions, Susan or Rebecca will guide meditative and perceptual explorations and offer extended Continuum dives. There will be paired exercises and communal co-creative rituals.
Limited to 22 participants, Continuum experience a must.
To read More and Apply, please click here.

Wie kommuniziert der Fisch, wenn er mit dir im Wasser schwimmt?
Die Klänge, die deinen Körper informieren.
Innere und äussere Bewegungen deines Körpers. Wie Wellen, die die Antwort deiner Fragen tragen.
Eine Reise in die Welt der fliessenden Leichtigkeit, achtsamen Präsenz und verkörperten Kreativität.
Continuum ist eine von der Körperpionierin und Visionärin Emilie Conrad (1934 – 2014) entwickelte somatische Praxis, welche sich der ursprünglichen und flüssigen Natur von Bewegung und Körper widmet.
Continuum eignet sich als alltägliche Gewahrseins-Praxis, zur Stressregulation und Selbstfürsorge, meditativ oder in dynamischer Form als Work-Out.
Anmeldung und Info über Corinne Leemann:
Frühbucherpreis bis 1. Februar: CHF: 300.-
Ab 1. Februar:
CHF 350.-
Klicken Sie bitte hier, um sich zu registrieren.
How does the fish communicate when it swims with you in the water?
The sounds that inform your body.
Internal and external movements of your body. Like waves that carry the answer to your questions.
A journey into the world of flowing lightness, mindful presence and embodied creativity.
Continuum is a somatic practice developed by the body pioneer and visionary Emilie Conrad (1934 – 2014), which is dedicated to the primordial and fluid nature of movement and the body.
Continuum is suitable as an everyday awareness practice, for stress regulation and self-care, meditatively or in dynamic form as a work-out.
Registration and info about Corinne Leemann:
Early bird price until 1. February: CHF: 300.-
From 1. February: CHF 350.-

Living Waters- a Continuum based body and life exploration…
In this four week series, we will honor, explore, and let ourselves be moved by the moving, changing, shifting, living waters that we are.
We will splash, slosh, drip, spiral, curl, melt, steam.
We will carve, erode, swell, fall, and wave together.
We will play, move, and discover the power, nourishment, and restorative nature of Water Being.
April 3, 10, 17, and 24 - 9:00am-11am MT
Join me from the comfort of your own home or wherever you choose to be, wrapped in a mutual field of discovery.
Please register by March 25th
$74 for the series.
$22 for a drop in class.
(Please reach out to Kori at least 48 hours ahead of time to arrange a drop in.)
Zoom link will be given after registration.
*All classes will be recorded and available if you cannot attend live
* If you are new to Continuum or working with Kori please reach out to Kori via email before registering.
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

This body sings with movement. This body hums with resonant joy. This body loves. This body is Love.
This April, I invite you to join me for five days of inner exploration into the voltage of presence, our ultraviolet starlight, our cellular radiance. Inspired by revelations of our most current scientific discoveries and ancient indigenous wisdom, I will craft a journey of movement and sound to carry us inward. Inside the body we find a cosmos, an infinite realm where presence abides. Here, we meet ourselves, pure and true, a wonder to behold, a song waiting to be heard.
Dates: April 5 – 9, 2025
Times; April 5, 12PM – 5PM
April 6-8, 9:30AM – 5:30PM
April 9, 9:30AM – 4PM
Location: Shanti Meditation Hall, Deer Park Farm, Pilot, Virginia,
Accommodations not included in tuition. I have rooms in an Airbnb reserved. There are Airbnb and Hotels in the area. Contact me for information.
Tuition: Early Bird by February 1, 2025: $575; after February 1, 2025: $675
Please click here to register.

What do Wholeness and Oneness really mean? In this 3-day Continuum and mindful movement immersion, we will play in the laboratory of our own bodies with our ideas about these oft-used concepts. Our bodies are like a web that is constantly being woven from interoceptive and exteroceptive inputs and influences. Using the flow of our breath, simple sound streams and inspired by our own unique way of moving, we will explore the embodied meaning of these concepts through the immediate and direct experience of our bodies, in relationship.
To read more and register: (Scroll down for the registration link)

I am writing to you as I witness the first whispers of Spring in my garden.
After this month’s rain the poppies are shyly appearing and offering their orange brightness.
The birds are singing, taking baths and foraging the grounds enjoying worms and seeds alike.
The California Lilly we planted last year is coming out of dormancy with strength and vigor!
I reflect and wonder at Nature’s amazing capacity to collaborate and synergize bringing forth beauty beyond imagination. Everything works together for the mutual benefit of all!
At the same time, being with the news, witnessing the state of the world at large, all I feel is fragmentation. The motto “more is better” is the guiding principle….. more power, more money, more land….more..more..more…
My refuge is the body. The body that knows how to work together and provide a homeo-dynamic state of health and well-being.
My refuge is the quiet place I find when I slow down and feel the inner flow and peace connecting me to all!
My refuge is Continuum, brought forth by pioneer Emilie Conrad.
I invite you to join me and a group of committed and experienced practitioners to discover how SYNERGIZING and creating a whole greater than our individual selves benefit our mental and physical health rippling out to touch all around us!!!!
Synergizing with our breath!
Synergizing with the simple sounds we utter when making our breath audible!
Synergizing with the body sensations that speak to us when we slow down and listen!
Synergizing with unfamiliar and innovative ways of moving and expressing!
Synergizing with fellow Continuum lovers from around the world to re-member the fluid nature we carry in our body.
Synergizing and re-uniting with the thread that connects us above and below, outside and in.
Hope you are inspired to come on board!!!!
To read more and register, click here

Diving into your fluid body with new movements through vocalized soundscapes and breath sequences. Discovering the vitalizing, nourishing, and regenerative answer of nature’s organic intelligence.
“Movement is the Message and the Messenger.”
Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum
6 Sundays in 2025 - 10-17 h
Part 1 - First half of the year:
12 January
23 February
16 March
13 April
11 May
1 June
Every day is a new subject and a complete workshop in itself.
Per one-day workshop € 120.
All days together: € 600.
No experience needed. All bodies, shapes, colours, genders, ages and sizes are welcome!
Please click here to register.

מאז השבעה באוקטובר תנועות החיים שבחוץ נהיו מהירות וקיצוניות.
התנודות של העולם שבחוץ, שעובר טלטלות עזות של מלחמה, שבויים, פציעות ואבל, מניעות ומטלטלות את העולם הפנימי.
בשנה הזו אני מוצאת את עצמי אינספור פעמים מוזמנת לצלול לעומק ההוויה שלי ולהתחבר מחדש לשלום שבפנים ולזרמים של שקט, שפיות ורווחה שמתקיימים בתוכו.
אני מזמינה אתכם למרחב של חקירה משותפת, שבה כל אחד ואחת יצללו אל מעמקי ההוויה שלהם, יפגשו את השלום הפנימי שתמיד נמצא, ויצאו חזרה אל העולם מחוברים יותר לעוגן הפנימי.
סופשבוע ללא לינה יתקיים ב 25-26 באפריל בכליל .
המפגש מיועד גם למתרגלים עם ניסיון ב Continuum וגם למתרגלים חדשים.
עלות המפגש:
700 ש"ח בהרשמה מוקדמת- עד ה 4/4.
800 ש"ח בהרשמה רגילה.
ניתן לישון בסטודיו בתוספת תשלום.

The movement inquiry of Continuum opens a heartful, responsive organism and a wondrous attentional capacity. We explore movement in the language of life with subtle wave motion, micromovements, primordial breathing and sounding.
We deepen in the true nature of the heart: the capacity for love, consciousness, imagination, kindness, and joy. We are nourished in the breathing of the world, in the primal pulse of the living cosmos, and in vast Stillness.
This retreat includes a “soul quest” time where we are in collective silence for 1.5 days – where we explore alone and together. The non-local field of awareness is potent when we dive together and immerse in a palpable sense of timelessness and sacredness.
For more information, please click here.

In this workshop we will explore the relationship between the viscera and the heart with a focus on the autonomic function of the vagus nerve that move through these two physiological structures. The practice of Continuum uses breaths, vocal sounds, movement and symbolic gestures to explore the realm of the fluid body which is composed of 2/3 of water distributed throughout many physiological structures. The frame for this inquiry will stage the belly and the heart as polarity of the so called feminine and masculine principles. In the practice of Hulu in Hawaiian traditional culture, the feminine principle embodies the sacrum and lumbar vertebras while the masculine is located in the dorsal vertebras. Deeply rooted through thousands years of native spiritual practices, this way of embodying universal principles gives a profound understanding and a breath of inspiration to explore how we relate as individuals living in Europe these anatomical structures and how their synergetic support or lack of support can affect our lives.
The goal of this workshop is to connect deeper to the functioning of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system and its counterpart the parasympathetic branch, and their relationship with the vagus and the social engagement system. In a time of deep transformation within our cultures and the biosphere of the earth, we can intent to tap into the millions years of biological evolution that created us to support our current adaptation, inner balance and ability to self-regulate.
Starting: Thursday may 1 at 1pm - Ending: Sunday may 4 at 1pm
Thursday 1pm-6pm / 8:30-10pm
Friday 9am-12:30pm / 3pm-6pm
Saturday 9am-12:30pm / 3pm-6pm
Sunday 9am-1pm
Price: 250€ for the workshop + 5000kč accommodation, vegetarian food, organization, translation
More info:+42077614299
Deposit to reserve your place is 7500kč paid to account: 2908443011/3030
150 eur is paid on your arrival.

Rejoignez Sarah depuis le confort de votre maison pour cette série de téléplongées en direct de 4 semaines. Au sein de CommUNITY, Sarah vous guidera avec des moments de silence, en partageant Continuum et des pratiques basées sur la somatique, ainsi qu'avec des vérifications avant la plongée en groupe.
Live Tele-dive Series:
Wednesdays, May 7, 14, 21 and 28
Wednesdays, June 4, 11, 18 and 25
6.00pm – 8.00pm PST
New students welcomed
Drop in is available in the FIRST CLASS ONLY
A propos de :
En utilisant la respiration et le son, nous explorons nos corps fluides à travers des mouvements subtils, des mouvements ondulatoires et le langage des sensations. Dans l'espace sacré, ensemble, nous avons l'opportunité de permettre au temps de ralentir, de se débarrasser de ce qui doit l'être et de renaître, rafraîchi et renouvelé. Lorsque nous accédons à l'intelligence innée des forces profondes qui nous soutiennent, nous puisons dans les courants de vie pulsés qui ondulent dans notre système et nous entrons dans le mystère de ce que cela signifie d'incarner.
- Se connecter au sacré intérieur
- Éveiller la présence incarnée
- Ralentir et évacuer le stress
- Renouvelez votre plénitude
Sacred Investment: $133 for 4 week series OR $222 for 8 week series
Early registration for 4 week series: $111 paid by April 23
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

Rytmer og Bølger/Riding the Waves
En reise i 5Rytmer® og Continuum
med Ingrid Brudevoll og Tone Gilje
Bli med på en deilig og utforskende langhelg i Fåvang 9.-11. mai
"Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. A human being is just that - energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance."
Gabrielle Roth
Dette blir et spesielt dypdykk inn i to potente bevegelses-praksiser som utfyller hverandre.
Der 5Rytmer slutter, begynner Continuum, og der Continuum slutter, begynner 5Rytmer.
Vi skal fordype oss i den flytende kroppen i Continuum og utforske de katalyserende fem Rytmene: Flyt, Stakkato, Kaos, Lyrisk og Stillhet.
Denne helgen er du invitert til å gå i dybden og la deg fornye av de naturlige kildene til ro, glede og kreativitet som kan finnes gjennom fordypet kroppslig tilstedeværelse.
5Rytmer® er en bevegelsespraksis som ble utviklet av Gabrielle Roth (1941 - 2012) i USA på 70-80 tallet. Gabrielle samarbeidet ved Esalen Institute i California blandt mange andre med grunnleggeren av Gestaltterapien Fritz Perls. Hun tok også inn impulser fra amerikansk urfolkstradisjon og østlig filosofi. Rytme er i alle mennesker og i alt som lever, hele tiden. Rytme er liv. De fem rytmene er: Flyt, Stakkato, Kaos, Lyrisk og Stillhet. Hver Rytme fører naturlig over i den neste. Hver av dem har sin egen visdom og sin egen medisin til oss. I rekkefølge kaller vi de 5 Rytmene for en WAVE, en bølge av energi. "There is a million miles of wilderness between any given persons head and feet" sa Gabrielle. Så dette blir en spennende oppdagelsesreise, og 5Rytmer er kartet vi følger.
Ingrid Brudevoll har undervist i dans og bevegelse siden 1988 og ble sertifisert lærer i 5Rytmer® i 2016
Alt liv er født av vann. Vår kropp består av mer enn 70% vann/væske. I Continuum utforsker vi vår flytende herkomst gjennom å bruke lyd, pust og bevegelser, de har en spesifikk effekt på kroppen vår. Når vi dykker inn der beveger vi oss utover de vanlige grensene våre tanker og bevegelsesmønstre har, inni den mer fleksible, tilpasningsdyktige og uforutsigbare naturen som tilhører vårt flytende vesen. Emilie Conrad utviklet denne bevegelses-praksisen helt frem til sin bortgang i 2014.
I sin bok Life on Land beskriver Emilie "the purpose of Continuum, one could say that it is a way of restoring personal access to billions of years of intelligence that is spiraled into the very swirl of our embryonic coil. Continuum maintains that we are part of an unfolding process that remains intact within us.”
Tone Gilje har arbeid som kroppsterapeut siden slutten av 70-tallet, hun ble sertifisert Continuum lærer av Emilie Conrad i 2005.
Praktisk informasjon
Datoer: 9, 10 og 11 mai 2024
Tider: Fredag kl 14.30 – ca 21.30 Lørdag kl 8.00 – ca 21, Søndag kl 8.00 – 13.00. Første økt før frokost er frivillig å bli med på
Sted: Retreaten blir holdt hos Tone Gilje på et lite tun i Gudbrandsdalen overseende Losna og Lågen, bygningen kurset holdes i er en gammel tømmerbygning fra 1746. Den har en særegen atmosfære. Huset er delvis restaurert.
Vestsidevegen 407, 2634 Fåvang
Pris kurs: Kr 3500.-
Pris kost&losji: kr 750.- pr døgn
Bor du hjemme, men spiser enkle måltider: Lunsj kr 150.-, middag kr 185.- inkl kaffe og te
Påmelding: Send en melding eller epost til 911 46 777/ for å melde deg på. Du er påmeldt når depositum på kr 1500.- er innbetalt. Pga få plasser er påmeldingen din bindende.
En toute sécurité cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

Diving into your fluid body with new movements through vocalized soundscapes and breath sequences. Discovering the vitalizing, nourishing, and regenerative answer of nature’s organic intelligence.
“Movement is the Message and the Messenger.”
Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum
6 Sundays in 2025 - 10-17 h
Part 1 - First half of the year:
12 January
23 February
16 March
13 April
11 May
1 June
Every day is a new subject and a complete workshop in itself.
Per one-day workshop € 120.
All days together: € 600.
No experience needed. All bodies, shapes, colours, genders, ages and sizes are welcome!
Please click here to register.

Weaving Continuum into the Therapeutic Process
A Movement Training for Professionals and Healers (7 Modules, 42 CEs)
Manuela Mischke-Reeds and Susan Harper are offering a professional training that will integrate Continuum theory and practices into trauma therapy.
Continuum practitioners will learn how to offer trauma resolution opportunities that safely ground the client. Therapists will learn how to offer elegant subtle movement practices to aid their clients through stuck trauma responses.
Continuum is a unique inquiry into our capacity to innovate and participate in the essential, generative, and biological movement processes of life. The explorations are guided by a philosophy of respect for innate organismic intelligence, which guides healing and creativity.
In addition to Continuum, this training draws upon Susan Harper’s Em’oceans and Sensations, Body of Perception and Body of Relating trainings that includes insights from Hubert Godard and Chris Price.
Manuela Mischke-Reeds, a Certified Hakomi Therapist, Trauma Psychotherapist, and Continuum Teacher, offers an integrative trauma method she developed.
We invite psychotherapists, trauma therapists, movement professionals, coaches, mental health professionals, and bodyworkers into this journey of weaving continuum principles into the process of healing.
May 15 - June 26, 2025
- 6 live online learning sessions, weekly via Zoom
- 4-day in-person intensive in Berkeley, CA
- 6 peer-led practice group sessions, weekly via Zoom
Live Online Modules (via Zoom), 9am-12pm PST:
May 15 | May 22 | June 5 | June 12 | June 19 | June 26
In-Person Intensive (Berkeley, CA):
May 29 - June 1, 2025
Early bird pricing through February 1, 2025!
Free intro webinar December 12, 2024 at 3-4pm PST
For more information and to apply, please click here.
If you have any questions, please direct them to:

This retreat is an invitation to come home to yourself and reconnect to the wisdom and beauty of your own embodiment. We will re-enliven our senses and explore our deep and abiding presence of being-ness through the practices of Continuum Inquiry and Deep Perceiving. We will slow down to reclaim the innate rhythm of our body and revel in the nourishment of this sacred land and enriching waters. Come join this circle of renewal to rediscover your own wild and deeply embodied aliveness.
Weekend Session Schedule... All Times Pacific Time
Friday 7:30-9:30pm
Saturday 11am-1pm & 4pm-6pm (possible dance/movement in the evening)
Sunday 10:30am-12:30pm
May arrive and check in after 3pm (dinner at 6pm) and must be out of lodging by 1pm (lunch at 1pm)
US $424-764 all inclusive, depends on lodging choice
Veuillez cliquer ici cliquer ici pour en savoir plus et vous inscrire.

Singing Into Your Bones - Talk to Your Bones
Knochen sind das stabile Gerüst unseres Körpers, seine Stützpfeiler, der Baum des Lebens. Im Inneren des Knochens befindet sich das Knochenmark, der innerste Kern meines Wesens, wo die Immunzellen entstehen, die die Fähigkeit besitzen, mich zu schützen. Auf den Knochen baut mein ganzes Wesen auf, sie sind die Stütze meines ganzen emotionalen Körpers. Du hast die Möglichkeit gezielt etwas für deine Knochengesundheit zu tun.
Klicken Sie bitte hier, um sich zu registrieren.

In the basic inquiry of Continuum, Emilie Conrad based her theory that the fluid within our bodies, planet and galaxy function as a resonant organ of intelligence.
Being aware of the body and the movement that we are can bring forth questions of what the body is for, what purpose it has apart from bringing us from here to there - hunt and gather- or preforming activities determined by our higher faculties.
Continuum is a unique way for self-discovery, to grow that which lies embedded in the wet landscape of our tissues.
Our human body is a continuous flow of life and our transition from watery existence to life on land gifted us with resonance of bio-intelligence that reside in our cellular structure, fluid bodies, layers of tissue.
Continuum invites us to move beyond our limited and habitual patterns of movement and to open to our fluid, flowing sensuous bodies. Through a rich variety of breath, sound and movement explorations we discover in our own ways to reduce physical limitations and experience our capacity for free, flowing, enjoyable movement, thought and feeling. We will take time to slowing down our body/mind and enter the fluid ancestry that is our birthright.
Emilie Conrad developed Continuum through her adult life until her death in 2014. She left a rich legacy, more than 40 years of developing the work of Continuum and many authorized teachers worldwide.
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

Diving into your fluid body with new movements through vocalized soundscapes and breath sequences. Discovering the vitalizing, nourishing, and regenerative answer of nature’s organic intelligence.
“Movement is the Message and the Messenger.”
Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum
6 Sundays in 2025 - 10-17 h
Part 1 - First half of the year:
12 January
23 February
16 March
13 April
11 May
1 June
Every day is a new subject and a complete workshop in itself.
Per one-day workshop € 120.
All days together: € 600.
No experience needed. All bodies, shapes, colours, genders, ages and sizes are welcome!
Please click here to register.

The Elemental Reset is a 4 Day Continuum Immersion in Nathrop, CO
June 12-15th
During this retreat, we will have extended time to drop deep together, calling on, surrounded by, and moving as the elements.
It will be a rich time of sacred ritual, longer dive time, silence, and opening ourselves to listening deeply, as well as sharing with our small group.
The property we will be staying on is along a beautiful creek and blessed with a natural hot springs pool. It will offer us the gift of access to the deep waters of Earth as well as the surrounding nature.
Space is very limited and will fill on a first come first serve basis.
Registration ends April 27th or once the retreat fills.
Please email Kori for details.
*Continuum experience is required for this immersion.
If you are not yet experienced in Continuum, but would like to attend please contact Kori.
Please contact Kori for more information or to register:

In nourishing exploratory movement dives, we slow down, and transform through gentle breathing, primordial vocalizing, and engage a multi-faceted movement that ranges from primal-wild to delicate-subtle. We melt and restore in spacious Silence. We listen to the sensual intelligence of the living matrix, until we perceive the emergence of a new movement, a surprising insight that can be fresh and simultaneously ancient and wise.
This retreat includes a “soul quest” time where we are in collective silence for 2 days – where we explore alone and together. The richness of our spontaneous personal discoveries along with our co-creation expands our minds and opens our hearts. Old skins shed, healing occurs, and we emerge with a deeper sense of creativity and love.
Divo will teach one of the sessions and offers a vitalizing Bodybliss class to start the morning.
This retreat is for those with ample Continuum experience.
For more information, please click here.

A Retreat for Young Adults June 26-29th.
Young adults are often in a time of making important life decisions and finding their unique voice in the world. This retreat will provide a safe and loving community, so that participants can be supported in meeting and moving through places of "stuckness" and opening to their own inner wisdom and life force energy.
This retreat is a wonderful opportunity for young adults, ages 18-25 to come together and know themself as whole, complete and lovable—an embodied, emotional, spiritual being.
Together, we will celebrate the body’s wisdom and its gifts. Young adults will have a chance to have somatic inquiry into their budding internal and external experiences. Each young adult will have a chance to experience a focused time for their own individual work.
I deeply believe in the importance and possibility of helping all beings, but especially young adults, uncover their potential as alive vibrant beings. I’m excited to be able to co-facilitate this potent work for this age group.
Please free to reach out to me directly with questions, or if a young adult you love and care for has interest or questions.
*Financial aid is available for this retreat
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

5 day workshop/retreat at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck, NY, USA. Elaine Colandrea & Megan Bathory-Peeler with Robin Becker, Ellen Cohen, Melanie Gambino, Bonnie Gintis, Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell and Linda Rabin.
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

In der somatischen Bewegungspraxis Continuum spielen wir mit Atem, Stimme, Bewegung und verkörperter Vorstellungskraft. Wir laden Verlangsamung ein, geben uns fließender Bewegung hin und ruhen im Reichtum unserer Körperempfindungen. Dadurch tauchen wir in feine Wahrnehmungsebenen ein und begeben uns auf innere Forschungsreisen.
So werden Grundprinzipien der Lebendigkeit erfahrbar, worüber wir zu mehr Verbundenheit mit uns selbst, mit anderen und mit unserer Umgebung finden. In diesem Seminar lassen wir uns von verschiedenen Tieren und ihren spezifischen Qualitäten inspirieren: Kriechen, schlängeln, schwimmen und gleiten; zischen und brummen, summen und blubbern; wachsen, ruhen und transformieren…
Durch das spielerische körperliche Forschen und den begleitenden persönlichen Austausch erschließen wir uns neue Schichten unseres eigenen Seins und unserer Entfaltung; durch die bewusste Anbindung an unsere geteilten evolutionären Wurzeln wird unsere Einbettung in das Netz des Lebens erfahrbar. Wir können uns mit unserer Körperintelligenz verbinden, Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten erweitern und Zugang finden zu unseren inneren Quellen von Ruhe, Stärke und Selbstregulation.
Dieser Wochenendworkshop findet im Ökodorf Sieben Linden statt und ist gleichzeitig eine Möglichkeit, diesen innovativen Lern- und Lebens-Ort kennenzulernen, der ganz der Nachhaltigkeit und dem Leben in Gemeinschaft gewidmet ist.
Klicken Sie bitte hier, um sich zu registrieren.

L'ouverture d'un état de rêve est une aventure ; elle est créative, pleine de surprises, de révélations et de jeux. Le travail sur les rêves révèle les conversations nécessaires au plus profond de notre psyché qui nous invitent à une plus grande inclusion et intégration des aspects cachés, interdits et pas encore connus de notre moi profond. Les couleurs de nos rêves et désirs sincères s'épanouissent dans notre vie.
Event Format
We sensuously embody and move the images, energies and characters that were delivered during sleep. Using a somatic approach, we tend the nuances of images and sensations, and arrive at an existential message whose meaning has the power to reshape our life.
IN DEEP MOVEMENT DIVES - We breathe, sound, listen, rest into spacious silence, and deepen our capacity for fluid grounded embodiment of our creative envisioning.
MOVING DREAMS - When images come alive inside the wisdom of our bodies, an insight is birthed that effects the original dream, the body, and the dreamer.
This training includes demos of dream tracking, solo, partner and co-creative group explorations. We enter dream images to feel, move and speak from different perspectives. These explorations open new vistas and deepen our human incarnation.
This style of dreamwork is inspired by the teachings of Chris Price - Gestalt Awareness Practice, and the perceptual movement work of Hubert Godard with whom Susan co-taught Portals of Perception. This theme is also inspired by Stephen Harrod Buhner, Michael Meade and Lama Drimed.
For more information and to apply, please click here.

With Continuum there is the potential to lighten one’s density of being. Layers of tension, restrictive habits and patterns of holding melt away, liberating one’s life force, in the way water dissolves stone. Broadening awareness beyond everyday consciousness connects us more deeply with ourselves and with all of life. It becomes possible to truly experience astrophysicist Renee Hlozek’s answer to the question of what humans are doing on earth: “We are swimming in the light of the big bang.” Come join this dance!
Multiple days of Continuum in the serene retreat setting of Dharmakaya allow participants to immerse in the breath, sound and fluid movement practice founded by Emilie Conrad and carried by long-time teaching guide Elaine Colandrea.
Veuillez cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

From Remembrance to Self-Rejuvenation, an Invitation To Dive Into the Mysteries of the Earth
Experience the Transformative Energy of the Bosnian Pyramids
From September 15th to 20th 2025 in Visoko, Bosnia
With Tereza Trefilova & Sylvain Meret
Join us in the mystical landscape of the Bosnian Pyramids—one of the most powerful energetic sites in the world. These ancient structures, radiating high-frequency vibrations, are known for their profound healing effects on the body and mind.
This 5 days retreat will be a journey of profound connection with the Earth in a space where time dissolves, intuition awakens, and transformation begins. Whether you seek physical renewal, emotional balance, a deeper connection to your essence or the planetary consciousness, the Bosnian Pyramids provide a sanctuary for transformative experiences.
Paired with Continuum, a somatic practice that guides us into the fluid intelligence of our bodies, we become more aware of the internal landscape of the Self through sensory-awareness. As we tap into the sacredness of our own watery origin we immerse ourselves in waves motion, primary sounds and breaths, spiralling in and out from the microcosm to the macrocosm. We open ourselves to profound states of healing, knowing and belonging, fully supported by the vibrant energy of this sacred place.
As we collectively attune our fluid bodies with perception, intention and awareness to fully connect with this sacred site, we participate actively to the current planetary shift by becoming a potent field of bio-information in resonance with the natural principles of harmony, balance and stability.
Are you ready to dive in with us to rejuvenate yourself and uplift the world ?
Visits, accommodation in double occupancy (Sept 14th-20th) and food (half board): 570€
Single room + 100€
Teachings: 390€ (early bird) 440€
Price range:
- All inclusive* in shared room : 960€ (early bird until may 31)
- All inclusive* in shared room : 1010€ (after may 31)
- All inclusive* in single room: 1060€ (early bird until may 31)
- All inclusive* in single room : 1110€ (after may 31)
*does not include transport from Sarajevo to the hotel, drinks, travels from you home to Sarajevo, extra food supply.
Registration: Please send first an email to Tereza or Sylvain for your registration mentioning your Continuum experience. The retreat is for 12 persons max.
French/ English :
Czech/Slovak/English :
After reception, we will send by email the payment information for bank transfer asking you to kindly send a deposit of 250€ (before may 31th for the early-bird) to secure your place. The remaining balance will be due on august 15th 2025.
Please contact us for payment plan.
Refund policy: we have booked rooms for 12 persons at the hotel. Refund can be done prior august 15th only if another person registers and takes your room. No refund can be done after august 15th. Thank you for your understanding.

A Continuum Mystery Depths offre un lieu de refuge et de puissante communion. Entrez dans la porte sacrée du corps avec des sons primordiaux et des mouvements fluides. Écoutez en toute conscience et "sentez" le mystère génératif tout autour et à l'intérieur de vous. Nous sommes nourris par la respiration du monde, par le pouls primitif du cosmos vivant et par la vaste immobilité.
En des temps difficiles comme ceux-ci, nous avons besoin d'un questionnement pour aller au-delà du familier, pour dissoudre les sortilèges du conditionnement et suivre le sage désir de notre âme. Grâce à des rituels initiatiques, nous faisons une descente spirituelle dans l'obscurité fertile, où nous pouvons transmuter la perte et le désespoir. La plénitude révèle des moyens de guérir les ruptures ; de nouvelles réalités émergent.
Cette retraite comprend un temps de "quête de l'âme" où nous sommes en silence collectif pendant 2 jours - où nous explorons seuls et ensemble. Le champ de conscience non local est puissant lorsque nous plongeons ensemble et nous immergeons dans un sens palpable d'intemporalité et de sacralité. Sont inclus des rituels élémentaires transformateurs qui peuvent être pratiqués à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur, dans la nature.
Event Format
Through inspirational principles and experiential instructions, Susan or Rebecca will guide meditative and perceptual explorations and offer extended Continuum dives. There will be time for questions and answers and for sharing our experiences.
Limited to 22 participants, Continuum experience a must.
For more information and to apply, please click here.

Continuum Evolutions
In this Continuum retreat we will be exploring the different stages of evolutionary movement and connect to our inherent early developmental fluid movement processes. In entering deeper into our cellular breath, and evolutionary movement we allow the fluid process to unfold anew.
All times are listed for the UK. Friday 2-6pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm.
For more details, please visit:
To book email Jane
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