Embodiment Through the Senses
At Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Eastern time zone)
The primary language of the body is silent, felt sensation. When you combine the fluid movement and breathwork practices of Continuum and the grounding properties of mindfulness meditation with the healing principles of osteopathic treatment, radical possibilities in well-being emerge.
Rétablissez la confiance dans la sagesse de votre corps en vous autorisant à le ressentir profondément. Sortez de vos idées préconçues sur votre corps et découvrez vos ressources intérieures en matière de résilience, d'adaptabilité et de changement. Cet atelier offre les outils dont vous avez besoin pour accéder à ce royaume de guérison intérieure par vous-même.
Cette expérience d'atelier peut être précieuse à la fois comme forme d'exploration et de soin de soi, et comme moyen pour les praticiens de développer et d'approfondir les compétences perceptives utilisées avec les patients ou les clients.
In this workshop we will explore innovative views of:
• ways to perceive “the field of the senses” in ourselves and in others
• why our senses are important
• how your brain, the gut, face, heart, and health are connected
• inner resources for resilience, adaptability, and change
• cultivating curiosity as a way of coping with uncertainty
• radically reimagine how you care for yourself
• refining awareness of internal experience
• our interconnectedness with each other and with nature
Return home with the tools you need to access this inner healing as well as ways to integrate these practices into your daily life so you can nurture a renewed sense of devotion to self-care.
All “levels” of ability and experience are welcome.
Bonnie Gintis offers a unique blend of Osteopathic principles and philosophy, scientific and medical information, poetry, and perceptual inquiry, combined with an opportunity to experience it all through Continuum practice.
Megan Bathory-Peeler, Continuum Teacher, life-long lover of movement, consciousness, connection, creativity, and compassionate communication will be collaborating as Bonnie's assistant in this workshop. For more information about Megan, visit Megan's website: https://somanautiko.com/
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